Born in 1983 in Kolkata, Swaraj Das is recognized as a contemporary painter of unique promise and repute. Showing artistic talent from an early age, Swaraj has earned a remarkable position in the legendary arena of Indian art through his original expressions and exceptional skill.
Swaraj's tireless dedication to his craft is akin to the West Wind in Shelley's poetry, consuming the joy of life to create his vibrant imageries. His paintings, though abstract, are a careful organization of life experiences, melting and overlapping colors to form visual poems of true souls, infused with peace, hope, and a sense of divine love.
His work consistently searches for peace through chaos, the concrete through the abstract, and reality through non-reality, making his art a profound exploration of existence. Swaraj's paintings have garnered international acclaim, earning appreciation and commercial success among collectors and buyers both in India and abroad.