Art & Mythology- A New Perspective
Devdutt Pattanaik is am eminent mythologist who has authored over 25 books and 500 articles on the relevance of mythology in modern times. Watch as he interprets artworks from a “mytho-artistic” perspective.
Art Works:
Art Work 1- Draupadi VastrHaran by Raja Ravi Varma
Draupadi was the wife of the 5 Pandavas. On losing everything in the game of dice against Duryodhan, even himself, Yudhishtir pledged his wife and lost her as well. Draupadi, was summoned to the court by the Kauravas. She was on her periods and was thus in isolation and wearing a single garment. She asked the court to consider how she could have been staked by her husband, when he had already lost himself in the game. The court failed in providing justice to Drauapadi, despite her fervent pleas. Dussasana started to disrobe her and she threw up her hands in prayer begging to Lord Krishna for mercy. A miracle occurred and as Dussasana pulled her sari, new sari kept appearing until he retired from exhaustion.
Art Work 2- Hanuman by Ramesh Gorjala
To know Devdutt Pattanaiks views on the work, watch our IGTV- Art and Mythology.
Verses of the Hanuman Chalisa suggest that the most efficient way to worship infinity is through this one single deity – Hanuman, writes Devdutt Pattanaik
Aur devta Chitta na dharehi.
Hanumat se hi Sarba such karahi.
All other deities Do not connect.Hanuman alone Gives full delight.
Chaupai 35
Hanuman can remove problems and take away pain. In the Ramayana, Hanuman solves Ram’s problems; finds Ram’s missing wife, Sita, by leaping across the sea to the kingdom of Lanka, he saves Ram’s injured brother, Lakshman, by carrying a mountain of herbs across the sky. He even saves Ram from being sacrificed by Mahiravana to Patala Bhairavi. If he can help God, surely he can help humanity.
Art Work 3- Ganga Avtaran by Vijender Sharma
To know Devdutt Pattanaiks views on the work, watch our IGTV- Art and Mythology.
Through the contemporary iconography of Shiva, Vijender beautifully captures the dialogue between Shiva and Shakti. The violent force of Ganga is restrained in his dreadlocks, and she starts flowing like a river on Earth. The water falling from a hanging pot on to a Shiva-linga in Shiva temple symbolises the Ganga. It’s believed that Ganga used to flow in Swarga (Heaven) where Amrit(a) is found, so if you bathe in her waters your sins will be absolved.
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